
China is challenging the idea of democracy 19th December 2021
Checks and balances are crucial to a healthy democracy, but far too often that principle is being misrepresented as giving a veto to those who have been vanquished in elections Hindustan Times
Climate: India throws down the gauntlet 5th November 2021
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has bucked tradition, offered solutions to the ongoing climate summit in Glasgow Hindustan Times
On economic reforms, India seizes the baton 8th October 2021
Modi’s India continues to create opportunities for its people, as Xi’s China deviates from Deng’s vision and destroys private sector wealth Hindustan Times
Before, there was reform by stealth. Now, it... 21st August 2021
Baijayant Jay Panda writes: The Congress has only paid lip service to economic reforms and prioritised politics over policies. The Indian Express